Monday, August 22, 2011

Stay at Home Working Mama :)

So my broke, no job self is trying to help my hardworking husband bring in some income and pay off those awfullllllll bills of ours. Anddddd..

I am now selling Scentsy!! I loved it when I bought it and signed up and tada! I'm now a consultant and got all my stuff in the mail today, and I'm one excited girl :)

I'm also gonna start trying to put this Nikon of mine to use. I love it, and love taking pictures, so why not?

We'll see! ;)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Do it Anyway..

"People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered; Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish ulterior motives; Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough; Give your best anyway.
You see, in the end, it is between you and God; It was never between you and them anyway."

- Mother Teresa

Seriously, that couldn't be better said.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Beach Pics and a Little Bitty Update ;)

Hampton is crawling :)

We went to the beach for a week in our camper and it was AWESOME.

I didn't want to come home. But, hubby has to work sometime right?

Boys are great, Hubby and I are great too.... Nothing else new I guess ;)

Oh and we got rid of all 9 puppies, finally!

I'm getting bad with the whole blogging thing. My boys are too much fun I guess! :)

Sunday, July 31, 2011


Well, Jackson has lost teeth and Hampton is getting teeth in!

Yesterday Hampton bit down on my finger and I felt a tooth, I seriously got so excited.. looked into his mouth and there was a purdy little tiny tooth (bottom right to be exact) How exciting!!!! :D

Sorry for the lack of pictures. I haven't put them on the computer yet. Maybe I'll get lazy this week and decide to do it ;) I can't believe little Hamp is already 6 months! :)))

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Thirsty TUESDAY anyone?

It's only Tuesday!!! I feel like this week is draaaaaaaaaging by.

Jackson had his dental surgery last Thursday. Worst. Day. Of. My. Life.

I'm slacking terribly with my blog :( I need to add some pics of my little men. BUT I have to upload the pics from my camera and phone to the computer and then to the blog, shew .. it just takes time. Something I don't have lately!

Nothing new my way.. Little things here and there. My boys are getting bigger, smarter and well Hampton is growing literally like a WEED. He is already "crawling" around, sitting up perfect, and eating anything and everything! Yet still breastfeeding. He is ONLY 6 months ;)

I still love my husband, obviously! :))) Oh he did back my suburban into a pole the other day!!! $4,200 worth of damage! Nice one hubby. Thank God for insurance, most of the time, lol.

That's all for now :)

Maybe new pictures soon. I'm a little anxious to share my tons of pics I always share! ;)

Monday, July 18, 2011

I'm Still Here ;)

I can't believe my little monkey is 6 months old today :)

And I can't believe it's been over a month since I've blogged!

This summer has been busy! I've been babysitting another 4 year old little boy, Jackson has been having teeth issues getting taken care of (surgery this Thursday too), I've gotten staph infection (my holy God it's terrible nasty awful hurting stuff!), and we've pretty much been staying busy doing anything, unless we are relaxing, which by then I don't feel like sitting on the computer :)

Hampton now sits on his own for short periods of time, scoots and pulls himself around, lifts his knees but doesn't move them just yet, he can roll over both ways, eats about anything, and my goodness he gets cuter every single day :) I love my precious angel! ♥

Sorry for the crappy "im still here" post.. but I've got to clean the house and the yard some before the hubbs gets back from out of town. I sure do loooooooooooove that man ;)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Huge Pic Post .. Long Overdue! :)

My new B tattoo, for hubbs

They love to do this

How precious?

First time in this, haha :)

Me and the husband :)

My Cousin Harley B :)

Hampton's favorite sitter, Nancy

Mother's Day

Me and Hampton on Mother's Day

Sweet little baby :)

My Mother's Day present from B

He said, "Look Ma! I'm soaking wet!" Hahaha

He's so cute on his belly

That's how I roll...

He loves his crib

Silly boy posing for the camera.. kissy face and all

So handsome :)

Mama's boys

The boys wearing their sunglasses

Attempting baby food

B taught him to stick his tounge out :)

All 3 of my boys, can you find them? Ha!

I thought this was funny

Sweet boy

Some of my bows and headbands

My handsome 3

Me and B

Looking like an angel

They love their $10 pool ;) Which Belle actually used this one to deliver her puppies, so we had to get a new one!

Jackson would NOT get in the picture :(

My attempt at getting all 4 of us.. and the sun was shining downnn

Our new camper!!!! So ready to pull it somewhere!!

He loves this thing

Look at his smile :)

My Jackson Brady

Sweet little baby feet

Precious in his car seat

Mine and Hubbys getaway :)

Love him <3

Check out his hair :)

Belle delivering puppies .. I called Sue (a lady we know she delivers puppies)

My cute lil man sitting so big in his bumbo

Jackson's favorite .. he says this is "Belle"

So cute!!

Hampton's new painting!

Babies 4 days old :)

Jackson passed out before he could even sit down

Belle and her babies :)