Carson took this picture. I wanted a full body pic for my weekly shot but Brandon wasn't around and this is all Carson would take. Got little (big) brother Jackson in too :)
I found this from another blogger. Figured I'd give it a try instead of the usual paragraphs I might be boring you with ;)
How far along: 19 weeks
Weight gain/loss: 116 lbs at my last weigh-in which was last week. Gained 7 lbs so far.
Maternity clothes: Sometimes. No maternity pants, they don't fit .. they fall right off my little legs. So I wear some maternity tops, comfy pants/shorts or leggings, or my bella band over my regular jeans.
Sleep: I'm not sleeping good at all! It takes forever to go to sleep and I have to use mounds of pillows around me. It's hard for me to breathe laying down and I have weird dreams that wake me. Plus I usually wake to pee once or twice.
Best moment this week: Finally feeling movement. And the relief to finally know baby's gender. Glad that anxiety is gone.
Food cravings: Lately, potatoes. Potato soup, potato salad, hash brown casserole. Anything with potatoes.
Gender: Boy. Who would have thought?
Belly button in or out: Still in. It's starting to flatten out a little though.
Movement: Feeling more and more everyday. I love it.
What I miss: Sleeping and laying on my stomach.
What I'm looking forward to: Now that I know it's a boy I can pull out all those tiny little clothes we have stuffed in containers in the closet and prepare for baby :)
Milestones: Finding out the gender. I didn't think we'd do it!
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