I love my man. (self-taken on the river :))

6 days old

Jackson, holding Hampton's paci. He's totally fascinated by it since he never had one.

Silly boys, playing in Mama's robes!

Sweet, sweet boy. 6 days old.

1 week old.

Carson loves holding his baby brother. He's so sweet, when he cries Carson says, "It's okay baby."

Holding my precious baby boy.

Pretty, pretty!

Jackson was having a rough hair day, but I sure do love this picture!

They saw a boat, they came running and screaming BOAT! They were excited!

So cute!

My precious little Jackson.

Innocent looking Carson.

Enjoying the river.

Love that dirty face.

He loves his tore jeans and his reebok's.

Me and sweet baby Hampton.

I love those baby feet!!

We found Jackson asleep on their rug. Must have been TIRED. Carson seriously thought he was dead. Geez, what am I teaching my child, lol.

First bath. Sorry about the crotch shot, I did what I could to cover it. It's kind of hard taking a picture when you're worried about them flipping over in the water while they're screaming crying! :)

At our Super Bowl Party. The boys played hard and crashed as soon as everyone left.

He is so precious, sleeping on the couch.
And some iPhone pics ...

Little man with his new blanket.

That fresh new face. So beautiful.

My little men sleeping, one on my lap and the other next to me. Love my boys to pieces.

Hampton snoozing in my lap.

Silly face! :)

Precious boy, up for a night-time feeding.

Me and my little tiny.

Mama loves her little peanut.

Precious baby.

My angel. Sleeping with Mama.

Little tiny in his car seat.