I finallllllllly have internet again! I mean I haven't completely went without, I've had my phone but not my computer. I'm so happy to get back to blogging. Yet without I've been much more productive I might add ;)
Hampton is nearly 4 months :)
He is rolling over, smiling, laughing, and eating baby food (a little anyway).
Jackson will soon lose a few of his teeth :( Poor boy had somewhat of a bad dentist appointment and will be having surgery in a month or so! But he is still all smiles, and acts as if nothing is wrong :)
Oh and we're in the middle of potty-training him. I just stopped buying diapers for him purposely so I would have no choice. Today is day number 1 :) One full dry week, and we're Chuck-E-Cheese bound. The boys are excited :)
Carson has not changed one bit. Except maybe he's now 4 going on 14. Man that child is bossy, snappy, dramatic, sensitive, tenderhearted, and literally just tough. I don't know if it's the age or what? We'll see. He's a mess, but I love him.. of course :)
Hubbs is taking a bigger step in his business and working his little booty off. He wouldn't have it any other way though. He loves to work. It occupies him. More on his business once he gets further .. (and it totally has nothing to do with the Tiki Hut, we're tired of that shit hole)
Me and hubby have been taking at least one day out of every week to drop all the boys off and have us time. I love it!! I love him more than ever, and it's soooo fun to sit at a bar with him, feel grown-up without the responsibility of little ones around for a couple of hours.
Pictures soon! I've got to get them on the computer! :)
Hello, CWU! Wildcat Preview Day!
4 weeks ago
YES! I did miss you. :)
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the potty training business! I know how tough that can be. I want to go to Chuck-E-Cheese! lol
And good luck to your hubby! I hope things run smoothly for him while he works on his business!
Hooray for one on one time!!