After literally weeks of waiting (well two!) it felt like forever, I finally had my doctor appt. Apparently, they want you to be just so far along before they see you. Did the medical history, boob smash, pap, and then headed for the ultrasound room. Probably one of the few I'll have since we're paying out of pocket. (I'll fuss about insurance later in another post) You don't feel pregnant until you see the proof and finally mine was coming. They've updated in that place so much. I remember I use to break my neck trying to look at the small computer screen the tech uses, but now they have this huge flat screen TV in front of you. Awesome. Luckily I'm small and as soon as she stuck the wand thing on me there it was, our little baby and the little sack thing it's in. I was so amazed, it was so tiny, and it's heart was beating!!!!! That has to be one of the greatest feelings ever to see that little tiny heart beating for the first time. It makes it all real. Too bad Brandon had to work, but I will get him to the 16 week big ultrasound I'm sure. Which is only 10 weeks away already! Our due date is January 27, 2011. The baby was measuring a day earlier but I think they would rather go by period date. It will be here when it's ready I guess! Carson is so excited about his new baby sister, for some reason he is so set that this is his sister, if it turns out to be a boy, the child will probably be confused .. but I'm trying to explain it to him the best way I can. He loves to look at the ultrasound picture and is constantly taking it off the fridge. Jackson on the other hand has absolutely no idea whats going on and will probably be jealous when the time comes, but I'm so glad he has Carson. My boys will be so close. I love it. I'll start posting belly pics soon, I haven't took any yet but I swear my belly has already changed. It pokes out a little already. Oh I weighed 109 lbs, just so I can keep up with my weight. She wants me to gain at least 35-40 lbs. Which, secretly (or not) I don't want to do!! But I am definitely hungrier. And I've been craving foods like crazy. I swear this baby has to be a girl. God help it if it's not. But I promise I will love my three boys like crazy if so!
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