1. I have finally started to feel the baby. I only really feel it once or twice a day, but finally I have started feeling something going on in there. Makes it a little more real.
2. Leggings! They're so comfy, they don't have buttons, and I can dress them up and still look like I'm not going to bed. Love, Love, Love Them Right Now!!!!
3. My ultrasound is in TWO days! I'm so excited I can't hardly stand it. And nervous too!
4. My boys. They always have my heart.
5. Sleep, I can't get enough. Most mornings I don't want to get out of bed, until Carson comes in saying, "Mama I'm thirsty!" "Mama get up!" "Maaammmaaaa!!" Then I finally roll over.
6. The couch. Who doesn't love the couch? Ahhh .. I'm so lazy this pregnancy!! :)
7. Chocolate. I want chocolate all the time. If I eat something else I have a piece of chocolate soon after. Lately, it's little Hershey kisses with almonds. Yum.
8. The thought of having a girl makes me smile. (Although, in the back of my head I wonder if I might just have a small football team instead?)
9. Country music. I was off that phase for a little while .. now I think I'm back on it.
10. Being lazy all day with my boys. Then again, sometimes we just love riding to Walmart and of course hitting up the McDonald's and the occasional Bojangles.
Hello, CWU! Wildcat Preview Day!
4 weeks ago
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