Jackson woke me up at 6am this morning, he insisted on kicking Brandon out of bed because he wanted mama. We got back to sleep and woke back up around 9am (actually Jackson slept later than that).
Hubby bought me a North Face jacket and wrote me the sweetest, funniest (so him) homemade card. Plus he's buying me a new phone tomorrow! I'm pretty excited about that!
I cooked breakfast, then a sweet potato casserole for lunch to take to my grandmas. We went over there were I got more presents and money! I felt like a kid, ha!
Hubby went to his parents then to the Tiki Hut to sell trees. I took the kids up there to see him but they fell asleep in the car so we just left and went to Walmart! It was the only place open other than gas stations! I didn't want to go home and spend the rest of the day cleaning up and doing whatever at the house, so we just wasted time walking around and getting a few things while Brandon was working.
So I guess today was a pretty good day, I'm so thankful for family!
About baby .. I'm 31 weeks today, and I have my appointment tomorrow. We're having an ultrasound, I haven't had one since 20 weeks. I'm anxious!! I hope everything is good with baby!
I've got lots of Christmas pics (I know, already) I'll add to another post later, with the Thanksgiving pics we took today. I'm just posting my 31 week pic tonight .. I'm ready to go to bed!

You've got such a cute belly! :)