Here's some pictures from Thanksgiving/my Birthday and I've started wrapping the boys up Christmas books every night. They each get one a night, sometimes a coloring book, most of the time a book, always about Christmas, until Christmas gets here! It's fun because all day they try to be good so they can get their present at night! After bath they run to the tree and wait for their surprise and then we read their bedtime story! I love it! So I've already got a few of those pics and pics of our decorating, what we've got done so far anyway. And some randoms of course too, just because I love them! :)

I love this picture. Carson wanted to wear "daddy's shirt" that day. It's a kid sized version of Brandon's work shirt. He loves it.

Jackson still wearing his Halloween jammies

Carson, Jackson and their friend Briley. Popcorn and a movie. Too cute!

Carson excited about getting out the Christmas decorations!

Jackson in big boy undies. He would rather wear them, but honestly I hate changing him 50 times a day. He just pees and goes to get new ones!

Another undies pic :) I swear he went through 3 pair in 15 minutes or less.

Carson with his favorite tree of all the trees Brandon got from the Mountains. He was carrying it around!!

Christmas trees!

My sick little boy! He had a fever that morning. I got in the shower, got out and found him snuggled up in my bed asleep!

Carson with our tree!

I'm not sure where he gets this from? He likes playing around wearing scarves! Even with the Christmas decorations.

1st night of presents

Their first book. They loved the paint! Carson literally painted for 2 hours!! They painted trees this night because it was the night we decorated the tree!

Our tree!

The Tiki Hut, almost completely lit up. It is now! But this is the only picture I have!

Day 2

They loved this book.

My birthday cake!!

Getting ready to blow out the candles. Jackson just had to be naked, lol. They started singing Happy Birthday before I could get a diaper on him!

Blowing out candles. Thanksgiving, at grandmas.

31 weeks. Thanksgiving/Birthday at Grandmas house.

Day 3

More Christmas books!

Day 4. Carson was happy because Daddy was watching tonight! :)
Glad to hear you had a great day! Hooray for a new phone AND a new coat! :)
ReplyDeleteI love the idea of a new book/activity book each night for the boys. How cool! I'm sure that is something they will love and remember when they are grown up and pass that tradition down to their kids.
Your tree looks great. Can't wait till we put ours up. And your b-day cake looks delicious. I could go for some chocolate right now, lol!
I love the pic of him touching his c--k I would love to touch it too, feel it get hard as I play with it then take it in my mouth, I love sucking little boys c--ks