Before his hair cut. He wanted a ponytail like daddy!

Fall wreath I made.

Another wreath I made.

27 weeks 1 day

Ready to go trick-or-treating!

Jackson was too!

About to hit the streets :)

Hubby and my Superman :)

Spider Man holding mama's hand :)

Digging in their buckets!

The leg cross .. I love it, ha!

Stopping by Grandma Debbie's!

27 weeks 2 days

Oh how I love this. So Carson!


Welcome to claustrophobic hell. (sorry I had to)

Carson on top of Grandfather Mountain!

Another one of the mountains

This was our attempt at taking a picture of me and the boys.

Brandon and Jackson

And our attempt at taking a family picture. Neither child wanted to be held or have their picture taken. Carson was literally running from us and Jackson was screaming! Me and Brandon were laughing!!

Brandon at Grandfather Mountain .. or some mountain near it? I don't know, it was on our way down! :)

Me and my hubby!

Mama's baby!!!

I'm pretty sure he will kill me for these pictures one day! I love them!!!!

Carson at a wedding!

Jackson at the wedding.

Jackson wanted me to take his picture. Precious baby.

My poor sweet child just had his foot slammed in the door (see the band-aid) It was awful, lots of blood and crying. He finally passed out.

We had Jackson in the sink running water on his foot and all trying to stop the bleeding. Carson brought him a Dora band-aid and Neosporin. I love my kids.

Carson saw me taking pictures of Jackson's toe and wanted his picture taken too! He loves this pink blanket .. he sleeps with it every night.

NO liquid of any sort in the fridge other than half and half. And who drinks that?! I just buy it for cooking. Seriously, I don't know how I didn't die that morning. Luckily we had just downed the last few drops of milk we had (with added chocolate syrup of course) and then drank water out of the sink until we could get ready and go shopping. I'm not going to lie, I stopped at Burger King and bought a LARGE Dr. Pepper and we drank that bad boy like homeless Ethiopians .. they're thirsty right? Well, just think of the thirstiest person in the world, that was me .. pregnant lady with only half and half in the fridge.
LMAO! Homeless Ethiopians! That's something I would say. :) Jackson's boo boo must have been awful!! Poor thing. Cute pic of you and your hubby! And I love your wreathes! Too cute! Glad to see you all had a good time trick or treating. :)