Me and my prego belly :)

My heart.

My sunshine.

And what they do to my house.

I'm not going to lie, we were low on diapers.

Baby Trace.

Boys on my bed. Hubby saw this and said, "They have kool-aid on the bed?" Oops.

Watching Finding Nemo. Look at Jackson's face! Love it. He loves Nemo.

I love snuggling with my boys. But geeez do I have a pregnant chin without makeup.

Hubby working hard at the Tiki Hut.

Sweet boy was tired.

Silly boys :)

Jackson must have been in an awesome mood this day. They love pumpkins!

We were waiting for daddy to water the mums. It was actually chilly for once!

My hardworking honey. Gosh I love his ponytail, seriously. I think it's sexy ;)

What three kids 3 and under do to a kids bedroom. God help this mama who had to clean it all up!

Carson and his friend Briley.

I decided to make cookies, and hubby decided to make one of his own.

My craftiness. Or me trying to be crafty at least!

Another wreath I made.

He loves his boots, rain or shine.

Another wreath .. with my cute little tags I made.

Best mail day, EVER. I have never seen my child happier after opening mail.

And I got some awesomeness in the mail too. Thanks to this blog I won this $15 gift card to Starbucks! I can't wait to use it!!
Cute photos! Love the naked bum, hehehe. Nice wreaths! I don't think you're belly could get any cuter!