I've been busy!
Trying to be a crafty mama lately. (I'll of course update on that later)
So anyway just wanted to do a quick update on my two handsome little men.
Carson knows: White, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Black, Pink, Green (sometimes)
Jackson knows: Yellow, Orange, Pink, Green (sometimes)
Jackson can now say McDonald's. AND chicken McNuggets. I love how he doesn't just say nuggets but Mcnuggets. He is starting to ask questions like, "Where is Carson?" or "Where is brother?" and he is speaking longer sentences like, "I see Carson sleeping." When he unexpectedly see's me his little face lights up and he will say, "Hey mama!" I love it :) My little man talks so well to be so little! He still sometimes will say, "Eat drink" when he's thirsty. He loves "craynins" (crayons). He loves to "read" books or listen to me read to him. He is so interested in books and wants to sit and listen over and over, all the time. My little smarty pants.
Carson can now count to 10! I love hearing him count and watch him get all excited. He will say, "See, I did it mama!" Thanks to Barney, seriously! We can talk about McDonald's with Carson too I guess. His new favorite thing from there is an Oreo McFlurry. Before that is was the hot fudge sunday with nuts. But, one day I got the McFlurry and Carson tried it and now says, "I don't like those nuts ice cream, I like the Oreo kind." I love hearing him say Oreo, I don't know why but I think it sounds precious. He still has his three favorite blankets. He doesn't drag them around or anything, but he does sleep with one of the three most every night. And most of the time I'll take one with us when we leave the house, because he likes to snuggle when we ride and he gets sleepy. He loves the colder weather, I can tell. He's getting so excited Christmas is getting closer, he is playing outside more, he really just seems more happier. And did I mention how cute my boys look in their little bluejeans! I don't know if it's because I haven't seen them wear them in so long or what, but I love it.
I love Fall.
But mostly, I love my boys.

Hi Mandy! You won the $15 Starbucks card at Homebody! Thanks for being a new follower, too :) Email me with your address so I can get it in the mail.
ReplyDeleteholly at craiganderson dot net
Yay! So excited! :) Mail sent!!