My two boys :)

Carson hugging Mama's belly :)

Mama's boys!

My little Mama's boy for sure! I just love this one!!

I love this too! Me and my wonderful hubby with our two little men :)

There is like 10 of these, and this is the best we could get. Someone always had their hand in their mouth, looking the wrong way, you know how that goes. And PS I think my hair looks terrible here.

Daddy and his boys :)

I just love this!!

This one too! SO us!!

So sweet!

I love these.

Chasing bubbles.

Around 30 weeks, I believe?

Love this one of me in the field beside our house. Hey, I am a farmers wife!! :)

At our neighbor's pond. Carson was actually scared!

Showing them the fish!!

Kissing our babies :)

Another one of my favorites. Yet we couldn't seem to always get everyone looking ;)

Back to acting silly!

Jackson, where are you going? :)

Boys not looking .. but I still love this one.
And now Jackson's 2nd Birthday:

Cupcakes I made. Girl/boy cupcakes I might add, since Jackson loves Belle from Beauty and the Beast :)

It's my Birthday Party and I'll be naked if I want to!!

Getting ready for the party!

Toy Story/present table

Belle/girl table :) And Nemo table in the back.

Dora table!

Barney Table!

The Garage.

Boys jumping in the castle. It was freezing .. but why not break it out, it's ours!! We'll seriously have one for every party, ha! :)

Food bar .. my yummy cheese dip (making me want some, lol)

All the themed plates, napkins and cups! All of Jackson's favorites.

2nd cookie cake!! Of course my clumsy self dropped the first one!!

Hubby and me!

Singing Happy Birthday. He thought it was funny!

Blowing out his candle.

Probably still trying to get him to blow the candle out!

Boys eating cake!

Birthday boy :)

Carson hitting Buzz!

Kids ready to hit the pinata!

My little cousin Tyler.

Daddy helping Jackson!

Carson taking a swing at it.

Jackson loved it!


Opening presents!

Check out that perfect little belly bump, ha! :)

Jackson, me and my sister. They love this Dora backpack!

After opening all his presents! This child loves to color!

Playing with Dora hats :)

Ethan and Carson :)

Aunt Kim and Jackson.

Jackson loving his new desk!

Next day/Birthday boy :)

Opening his card and present from Mama and Daddy!

Big present!!

Woo Hoo! They love this too!

Jackson officially in the big boy bed!!

Carson on the top bunk!

My boys first night sleeping in the same room :)
Christmas Time:

Our Christmas tree and mantle. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the fireplace .. so warm and cozy!!!

Our mantle and stockings!

The boys talking to Santa! They loved it!!

After seeing Santa!

The $15 pic I bought at the mall, yet this is a pic of the pic taken with my iPhone!

Santa came!!

Boys ready to open presents!

Carson was excited about this movie!!

They got tractors too!!

Hubby with a few of his presents.

Belle with her new squeak toy.

Me with my presents.

The boys opening their train table from us! They loved it!!

Daddy and Carson at Grandma Clelma's Christmas for lunch.

After leaving Aunt Kim's with his new Woody!

Our only Christmas picture together, ha! Taken by my phone going down the road. Notice Hubby's cigarette and him looking at the road!

Boys at Grandma Jo Ann's and Papa Don's Christmas night.

Helping my little man with their new basketball goal.
Whew .. glad I got that over!! :)
Now it's baby time darn it!!!!! :)
Of course I loved all the photos! I like how the kids were hitting the pinata with golf clubs! LOL! That easel looks cool! We had wanted to get the kids one, but lack the space for it.....would be nice for outside on the porch during the warmer months. We also wanted to get a train table for Anthony! Do the boys like it?? Love their matching Christmas sweaters. :)
ReplyDeleteThe golf clubs were all we had, lol! They were little light kid ones though :)
ReplyDeleteI love the easel! We got rid of tons of stuff to be able to get new toys :) I've been dropping things off at the thrift shop lately like crazy!
I've always wanted to get the boys a train table and we found ours at Walmart for $35!! It's awesome, and they love it! They play with it everyday .. unlike other toys! It gets used for sure!
And I just had to do the Christmas sweaters, lol. Hubby totally made fun of the boys. But, you know I can't be doing that too much longer. Carson already told me when I was trying to put it on him, he wasn't wearing that shirt! So we compromised and he got to wear his tennis shoes and blue jeans with it! ;)
I have to go through toys all the time too when I want to get them new ones. I just have no room for stock piling toys!
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking maybe for their birthdays in June we'll get a train table.....just have no idea where we'll put it!! Glad to hear the boys love theirs! And even more glad you got it at a super steal! :)
I love the sweaters, hehehe.